My published works

Research & studies

Research Papers

Various models in Doctor-Patient relationship

  • If you have come to help me.
  • You are wasting your time.
  • But if you have come because.
  • Your liberation is bound up with mine.
  • Then let us work together.

Strategic Planning for your Healthcare business

  • The first step is perhaps the most critical one. Having a precise plan is crucial for success as a business owner. The key to success is to meet the market need and exceed customer’s expectations.
  • When starting a practice, you have to understand the costs and determine how you are going to pay for those costs.

What is leadership?

  • “Leadership is the art of inspiring an individual or a group of people to work together towards a
    common destination.”
  • Leadership is all about setting a direction or we can say a leader is the one who have clear thoughts about everything about his/her profession or about should have a basic knowledge of different things that are happening around you.

Basis of discrimination and racism

  • Minorities: Minorities in a nation suffer discrimination – marginalized and deprived of the power and resources.
  • Outbreaks of infectious diseases: Following the spread of COVID-19 from Wuhan, China, discrimination towards Chinese people has increased.
  • Color: white vs non-white. Black people suffer the racisms around the globe in contrast with the white population
  • Gender: Healthcare inequalities have distinct impacts on Black men and women.

Racism, race, and discrimination

  • Racism reflects an organized system, that is rooted in the philosophy of dependency that ranks, groups, and differentially assigns social resources and goods to all population groups
  • Deeply rooted in society and all institutions
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